Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Leaving Steamboat we headed west to what the guidebook described as “simply the best, most underrated, least known of all our national treasures” - the Dinosaur National Park.

The park is huge and spans 2 States. If you’re only doing one thing there, and you’re prepared to drive the hundreds of miles out of your way, then it’s the Quarry Visitor Center. They’ve taken a huge quarry wall, complete with thousands of massive fossils and encased it all behind an enormous glass wall. According to the book, the glass room is worth the trip before you even consider the amazing sights it protects.
Its quiet here says I, at the visitor center greeting room.
Yes, we’re mostly shut down, says the nice lady.
?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! says I.
Yeah the room's cracked so we’ve closed it for a few months.

And so the day ended badly. Nothing to see. Move on. We’re heading in to Utah before the sun goes down.

The Magical Mystery Bus is currently reading a worrying 4327 miles – we’ve only hired it for 5000 – oops.